Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Palisades with Grandma Lafferty, Perry, Carisa and Family

Happy 89th Birthday Grandma Lafferty. Can you believe she went camping?
Jesse loved the chocolate bar that Grandma Lafferty gave him.
Eric's ready to go swimming
Emma and Eric playing in the water
Carisa, Grandma Lafferty and Jesse by the beach
Emma and Eric on the pier

Grandma and Grandpa having fun on the paddle boat with Jesse and William
More paddle boat fun!

The campsight at Palisades
Eric and Alaia with Grandpa at Palisades

Grandma Lafferty, Grandpa, Grandma and Jesse on the paddle boat

Grandma Lafferty's private tent with cott and all the luxuries of home (except for air conditioning)